One day I was going through my grandpa’s things and I came across some of his magazines. Of course, I opened them up and had a look even though I knew I wasn’t supposed to. It was my first time seeing any type of pornography. All of the women had bushy pussies. As an adult, I’ve been fortunate enough to fuck a lot of ladies. Thankfully, they all shaved. When I’m watching porn, I’m only interested in seeing smooth chicks. When I found out I could save 73% with a discount to ALS Scan, I knew I had to have it.
There are more than 1,800+ videos in this collection as well as 600+ photo galleries. Updates are dropped every day, so you’ll never have to wait long for something new. This isn’t a hardcore site, but you’ll find that it’s satisfying in every possible way. You’ll get to soak up every delicious detail of these privileged bodies as well as watch them pleasure themselves. This is the kind of porn you can enjoy without feeling guilty or dirty afterward.